2006-12-18 | Mixotic 062 | Length: 68:08 |

| Q-Man - Traxousand Q-Man, the founder of Mixotic, serves the label's thousandth mixed track: It's Peripherique's "Keep On Dancing" from the Musicartistry netlabel, embedded in a progressive, synapse blasting set. Thank you all for your downloading, listening, blogging, commenting and enjoying Mixotic! |
More DJ-sets by this artist:
Q-Man: Q-Man (aka Entactogen) was born in 1978 and grew up in the small town of Klingenthal. There was nothing than forest, a bar and a rock music club. Bored of this desert, Q-Man and a couple of friends started to explore the techno scene in the cities. Fascinated of these parties he moved to Berlin and celebrated techno music with his mind, body and soul.
Q-Man bought two turntables and started to spin records. Then his attention zoomed in on the growing netaudio scene. He was impressed by the freshness ... [read on]

Its dark and progressive quality mix. Good work mate
2011-04-14 | alessandro lemos |


Nagyon jó nagyooon jauuuuu

trés bon mix a ecouter en boucle

2008-03-23 | rochel christian |

wie kann ich die cd kaufen?lg christian rochel böblingerstr.39,70199 stuttgart und was kostet sie?

verry nice mix

2007-01-06 | Theo(nuchoon.com) |

Excellent set, love the deepness !

Danke Dir für den Labil Support ;)
Matthias und Uwe haben sich riesig darüber gefreut :)

@Uwe: Thanx for the compliments. I played "Stupid People" at the December NETLAG in RAW-Tempel (Berlin), people loved it!

Q-Man hey what a great mix ;) da wackelt das tanzbein!" respekt!

Hossa ;) da is ja stupid people von mir mit drauf!
danke für die Blumen!

Da sag ich doch mal danke! Krieg ich wenigstens nen Blumenstrauß oder sowas? :-)) LAd den Mix gerade runter, bin mal gespannt!

thanks for saving my overhung day !

nagyon zsir lett a mix!!!

yeah, 1000 thanks for you good works ! mixotic rocks...

great mix, thank you )

nice tracks
high-quality mixing
great mix!

2006-12-19 | no-response.org |

hey, thank _you_ for mixing, blogging and sharing! :)
we are 1001! that is nice.

felix :-) very nice one easy mix

enjoyed this one, thanx

liebster q-man du bedankst dich fürs saugen und bloggen, da möchte ich an dieser stelle doch mal bemerken, dass es dank deiner bemühung auf dieser seite überhaupt was zu saugen und bloggen(geiler trackname)gibt. deshalb ein dickes fettes danke auch an dich.

another masterpiece from the man behind mixotic. keep up the good work mate!
cheers tea

Congratulations!! Keep it flowin'...

thank you for this nice mix.
1000 tracks o/