2005-03-13 | Mixotic 001 | Length: 64:47 |

| Q-Man - Heart Trip This mix is made of deep emotions wrapped in fluffy beats, it takes them straight into your heart. It would be nice of you to give a little comment at the bottom of this page. |
More DJ-sets by this artist:
Q-Man: Q-Man (aka Entactogen) was born in 1978 and grew up in the small town of Klingenthal. There was nothing than forest, a bar and a rock music club. Bored of this desert, Q-Man and a couple of friends started to explore the techno scene in the cities. Fascinated of these parties he moved to Berlin and celebrated techno music with his mind, body and soul.
Q-Man bought two turntables and started to spin records. Then his attention zoomed in on the growing netaudio scene. He was impressed by the freshness ... [read on]
2015-10-21 | Medusa Productions |

Deep, Floating, Intense. Deep Beats touching the Heart

Still among the big favourites aeven after so many years. It's still as fresh as back then when there were only 10 mixes on here, when it was still called "Zerinnerung". Timeless classic, thank you so much Q-Man

The perfect mix to kick off this amazing website. Love this!

Muito bom - Meus parabéns DJ.Q.Man

Muito bom - Meus parabéns DJ.Q.Man

After a good party,driving home with your friends,all quiet , windows down,morning sun, sunglasses hmmmmmmmmmmm

Vau!!! Super muzchina! Good man!!!

After over 200 mixes, this is still up there in my Top 10 Mixotic Mixes! Love it!


This is so nice!! Good Work Q-Man :)

Einfach nur geil, ich liebe diese musik... :P

euphoric + beautiful... thanks!


Good mix...


super-mega-genial! Mach bald wieder so einen Mix, ok?

Hi Hite,
thanx for the nice words. The track at minute 25 is from Thinner 69: "Deluge - Metapop".

great mix
does anybody know what track is playing around the 25 minute mark?

A very amazing mix. Emotive, laidback but very danceable at the same time. Very good Q-Man.

great as usual

Ich kann mich meinen Vorrednern nur anschliesen,echt weltklasse! So macht sogar BWL lernen Spass

dammmm.....men u know how to make me feel good, ur vibe is fukin great, u hv to be on the TOP..!!!!

Diging deeper and deeper :-).I know this site just for a few weeks, this is the first download...the first from many :-).Great mix and flow...electronic music for live hahaa...

Beautiful. I love it when a musician suceeds in mixing my emotion as well as the music. For me it was a drifting in sensual love, sunrise and shroomz comdown mix. Thanks Q-Man for about 1 huor you set the context of my mind!

good job. this mix is quality, and it is consistently relaxing...i still danced though.


This mix makes me go mmmmmmm.....

great mix

great mix, has a nice mellow dreamy feel, like a highly sentient super computer of the future having a cyberdream

voll fuck

Very good:-)

Well this gets 4 stars just for being 192kbs - then another 4 for the actual mix. So 8 out of 5...lol.

This is intense on many levels....

very, VERY nice MIX!!! one of the best, if not the best here. Thanks!

for me, the best of here!

very atmospherical, very nice ...

This set was stumbled upon a journey for new mixes for my library.....this mix was indeed a journey and truly gives the sense of a groovy yet bumpy ride. Good job Q.

@sven vaeth buddy: na dann saug ihn dir doch einfach. rechtklicken auf "mix.mp3" und dann speichern und orgasmus genießen. :)
2006-12-22 | Sven Vaeths bester Freund |

Wenn ich dieses Set mal auf den PC laden koennte wuerd ich endlich mal nen riesen Orgasmus vom Set kriegen.
Also macht hinne sonst vergeht mir die Lust und nicht zu vergessen die Stimmung.

wirklich gelungener mix. feine übergänge..

wow! what a lovely mix. i shall keep digging for more like this. peace, amigo.

auch nach dem 100. mal. hören immer noch einer der besten mix mit netlabeltunes :-)

Harmonie ist ein Bedürfnis, welches mit diesem Mix auf jeden Fall gedeckt wird!
...und es ist der erste von vielen, die noch folgen.
ein großes DANKESCHÖN an alle Beteiligten

@doctor_n8: hey man, you remember that one? cool, it was my first traktor mix ever with many tracks from this one, but not only netaudio, so i had to do it new for this website. :)

sounds like one you did awhile ago called Spheory Tasty stuff, eargasm for me Thanx Bro! Great vibe!

Hallo Q - Man!
Ein schöner deeper Mix.Genau nach meinen Geschmack.Kompliment!!!

unbelieveable movement soun directly in my soul....keep on going
Eure adresse ist ja wohl der Oba-Hammads

Extrem fluffy. Wé love it.Danke.

Awesome Mix Keep Up the good work please give us some mixes from Robag Wruhme Y Will Really Appreciate Thank you.
From:San Diego California USA

Hi Q-man,
ein wirklich genialer mix, den Du da produziert hast, ich werde den auf jeden Fall auch mal auf meinem neu entstandenen Blog, über freie elektronische Musik, erwähnen.
keep the flow !

wie das leben einer welle - von der schweren trägen woge über die weissen wellenkämme und gischt bis zu dem schaum auf dem nassen sand. birth of the venus. thx, schön

zerinnerung, wohl ein Ausnahmelabel and one of the 'gschicktest things im Netz -dies musste gesagt (geschrieben werden) s.g. Q-man ein link deiner wunderbaren Erscheinung auf wearelost.at ist sicher !

Hi DKS, the tracks are all netaudio, just scroll a little bit up for the plazlist including labels and download links.
A Zerinnerung party for Berlin is on the road, but will still take some time.

Bin gerad über deep mix moskow auf euch gestoßen, schöner mix, muss gleich mal die playlist checken, da gabs ein vocalstück um min. 40, der hammer.
Sind die Stücke veröffentlicht? welches Label? Spielt ihr live? greetz from Berlin

wow echt sau gechillter mix sehr atmospherisch ... einfach g0il =]
keep it goin

Good work )

maybe he talks about cue-files.... a nice invention

Hi electrocel, nice that you enjoy the mix. :) What do you mean with track indexes? You can read the playlist here and in the textfile.

i managed to download the mix with no problems. really enjoying it! very nice diverse selection of tracks but with a very unified, consistant sound. great!
in the future, i would like to see track indexes to make cd burning and track indentification easier...

Na da wollte ich mir mal den neuen Q-Man Mix reinziehen (Longing for Love hat mich umgehauen) und muß feststellen das nix geht.
repair it! :)
2005-04-08 | Christian Quast |

Yatsuo Motoki sacht dankeee !
sehr schicker Mix, mein bester ...
beste grüsse
Christian aka Yatsuo Motoki

Design is always a matter of taste... I like a clear and simple style for the clear and simple purpose of downloading DJ mixes. But the most important thing is: Have fun with the music! :)

in contrast to subsource one can actually read text here without getting blind. and wtf is up with you in regards of q-man calling zerinnerung a netlabel? what he does is fully compliant with the wikipedia description of a netlabel. ..metalabel, pfff! you sound like a freshman of business studies - - take your c**p elsewhere :p
2005-04-01 | [in]anace (subsource.de) |

Servus... i think you are running a meta label, not a netlabel and your site looks a bit last century but anyway... your music taste is great. you played tracks i never heared before and that's what i want to find on such sites like yours. so keep up the good work!

hey thanxzzzz a lot for this mix
spread the word .................

great mix! looking forward to more

hab mich schon gewundert, wie du drauf kommst, dass ich in dortmund gespielt hab. :)
freut mich, dass es dir gefällt. :)

hab mich gerde im set vertan.
dein set ist echt spitze

hast du im zuHause club in dortmund gespielt?
Set gefällt mir gut. gute übergänge und fette tracks.......

Daumen hoch! Ganz großes Kino!
Hab den mix gestern beim Sport gehört.
Sehr geil, weiter so!

Thanx, I'll change it. :)

morphine is from comatronic 010 ;)
nice mix btw.

Very nice mix. Keep the good vibes flowin' and keep them FREE!
cheers, cotumo

was für herrliche musik.

Q-man, tolle mucke, und eine schöne seite... gefällt mir sehr... gruß ez

love this one, keep up the good work!