2010-12-16 | Mixotic 230 | Length: 56:00 |

Plug - Drowning SoulsPlug selected some of the deepest tracks you can find in the netlabel world. If you close your eyes this sound will guide you to a very mysterious place. ![]() |

01 | - | Antonio Bruno - Morning Dreiton 015 |
02 | - | Qi.Mono - Sternenklar Cologne Commons 001 |
03 | - | Selffish - Oblivion Thinner 010 |
04 | - | Frank Hellmond ft. Britta Keil - Zwei Sommer Dreiton 020 |
05 | - | LaPlaceAuSoleil - Neues Spiel Neues Glück Dreiton 005 |
06 | - | Chris Air - Kugeldreher Dreiton 006 |
07 | - | Antonio Bruno - Margarithen Dreiton 012 |
08 | - | The Marx Trukker - Erfurt Dreiton 020 |
09 | - | Nitro - Pluton Dreiton 015 |

Plug: Plug was born in 1979 near Leipzig. When he was 15 years old he had the first contact with electronic music like synthie pop and EBM. When he was 18 he experienced the Love Parade and club music, especially deep house and minimal.Driven by his own ambition and various DJs he started to create own mixes and got a lot of appreciation for it by his friends. During the last 5 years he has produced own music which has not been published yet.

2011-09-01 | h0fiz |

2011-07-08 | Mernas |

2011-06-15 | Niki |

2011-04-19 | tauceti |

2011-01-22 | hotseflots |

Hope to hear a new set soon!
2011-01-18 | Flankengott |

2011-01-15 | Tunekid |

2011-01-07 | muffel |

2011-01-06 | chris |

2011-01-05 | meknek |

2010-12-26 | Darkraver |

bald rocken wir wieder in langerwehe auf deine musik ;)
ich sag nur auftragsnummer 73296 :P
2010-12-24 | Konstantin |

2010-12-24 | PLUG |

it turns me on 2 continue!
merry christmas 2 everyone out there :-)
2010-12-24 | Gaby |

2010-12-24 | ASAB |

2010-12-21 | kontaktkarl |

2010-12-19 | vicner monsalve |

2010-12-17 | nina |

2010-12-16 | Der Prophet |