2007-12-22 | Mixotic 114 | Length: 78:11 |

| Baumgeist - Alles was ist Baumgeist is creating pictures of a wide landscape in a cold night your mind. The firmament is sprinkled with glittering stars and the moon is telling its very own story. A crackling fireplace is producing a welfare warmth and a feeling of deep peace and complete satisfaction. |

very nice!!

Super cool!
My compliments

Noice chippy. Like it, groovy. maxed up

Great!! Thanks

thanks a lot!



Muito masssssaaaaa!!!!! Dukaraio mesmo!!!!!

Der Covertext verspricht nicht zuviel


wonderful mix. just listened to it while coding, kept me cool!
2008-08-25 | marc oberst aka baumgeist |

wow!!! thank you.

This mix is fantastic. It it more than a half year that it apeeared on this site, and I am still listening to it nearly every week. I can't get bored of it! Thanks a lot!
2008-01-12 | marc oberst aka baumgeist |

its track 12 - elliptic's "serve chilled". he once did a great drum'n'bass mix for mixotic known as zerinnung that time.
2008-01-10 | michael bischof |

schöööööööööööön very very very

Thx for this great mix.
I´m curios: which track ist playing from minute 53:23 to 59:54
Thx alot,

good music)

Super! Thanks
2007-12-28 | marc oberst aka baumgeist |

thanks. great you like it! sorry for the little bug inside but as it is a liveset i hope you like it untouched as i do. for another old set come to SINNsitiv.de. adios!

Very good Mix !!!!!!!!

Absolutely fantastic mix. Really loved this one. Thanks for showing us something new. Cheers from Budapest! :)

reat smooth, calm, relaxing, entertaining, fun, dreaming...great :)

Danke für das tolle Set!

fantastische track´s, smooth gemixt, richtig was für´s Ohr... Thank´s...