2008-02-17 | Mixotic 121 | Length: 69:18 |

| Tom Larson - Klänge der Nacht Vol.4 Lean back, relax and listen to these deep sounds Tom Larson is serving. Close your eyes, pictures of a smooth spring night might come up, wrapping you into fluffy beats and soft soundscapes. |
More DJ-sets by this artist:
Tom Larson: Tom was born on October 24, 1979 in Sonneberg. At the age of 16 he discovered his love for electronic music. At that time he was inspired by music sets of Richie Hawtin, Karotte and many other artists.He also had a big interest in spinning records. Tom began to create Mixes... He put on records in many reputable locations in his homeland and at numerous radio stations like Sputnik Radio for example. He convinced lots of parties with his ingenious DJ Skills and also wants to convince you. His aim ... [read on]

nice mix ........... tung from KOSOVA

Greath man

Hi Tom
nice music and good sound...., i luv it
luv and peace from Indonesia

Well done mate, another awesome mix. keep up the great work!

thanxx. mix

...may the Force be with you Tom! .. keep it balanced always from within... a multidimensional mix .. cheers from MEXICO!!

a beautiful mix... thank you for that... i listened to it several times and i always enjoyed it...

Tom keep the fire burning! I love your sound!!! Best wishes from Holland,

Hi Tom....amazing, amazing, amazing. keep up your great work and support for this music. We always love your mixes.

i'm convinced after hearing this mix! keep up the free spirit and tnx for sharing it with us....best wishes from iran


good tracks

Just wanted to say this site is one of the best finds on the net, may you guys keep up for decades to come.
A special shout out to Tom Larson, never knew about you untill I found this site, personally your mixing style is on top of all platforms. Anyone can mix, but song selection is another story. YOU GOT THAT! I'm from Los Angeles where the people here are still starving for tech house, most are thinking they are listening to house, but it's simple thump.
keep it up tom and the rest, people like you are what makes me work at night and get $hit done!

dude your music kills and relaxes the souls of all the deep house souls here in Africa(Lesotho). Keep tha sets coming. LK 4RM LESOTHO

Many Thanxx for our Support and Comments.

@ Timo Puente
Der Grund ist relativ simple.
Die meisten Leute wollen nur den Clubtypischen Schepper Sound mit viel Rhythmus & geknarzze hören.
Für solche erwachsene & gute Musik,ist dort leider kein Platz.
Vielleicht in naher Zukunft !

sexy...organic...deep...warm...soulful....Reicht dem Mann eine Zigarre!
So klingt House! Warum gibts sowas so selten in Berliner Clubs? Für Hinweise wäre ich dankbar.

Thank you! It's really good job!
Pleasant mix which made me smile and relax!!
best wishes from Ukraine!!!


Hi Tom,
a beautiful mix... thank you for that... i listened to it several times and i always enjoyed it...
best regards,
Screech / klartraum.name

danke, thanks
superb mix
2008-03-04 | toxic shock im toy |

hey die ganze klänge der nacht reihe is einfach absolut geil... würd so was mal gern total verstrahlt im club hören :D

Hallo Tom,
ich muss sagen, dass das ein richtig guter MiX geworden ist. Schön chillig aber doch nicht. Genau die richtige Mischung. Kann man gut arbeiten dabei und auch ins Wochenende starten. Schöne Flächen und guten BassDrum´s... Vielen Dank dafür und bitte bitte mehr davon. Greetz

Splendid, splendid, splendid... no words for this piece of live set!!!! Very good story with a fantastic flow!

At least, another Tom Larson mix!
Und was für ein feiner es mal wieder geworden ist! Dieses Mal etwas energiegeladener, als der ein oder andere ruhigere Tom Larson Mix. Aber dennoch nicht aufdringlich, nicht kitschig, sondern gewohnt dezent besticht dieser Mix wieder mal durch die erstklassig gewählten und vor allem herausragend zusammengemixten Stücke.
Tom Larson, der Name ist für mich schon längst zu einem Garant außerordentlich guter Stücke-Auswahl und Mixe geworden- Du verstehst Dein Handwerk eben, Tom! Und auch dieser Mix hat mich gleich von Anfang an wieder in seinen Bann gezogen.
Was bleibt am Ende? Lust auf mehr und die Vorfreude auf den nächsten Tom Larson Mix!
Dance music for Rockers! Keep it on, Tom!

Good MIX .... Tom ))))))) !


great mix !! really good work !!
2008-02-17 | subflow.net / shamankick |

yeah super good one
Danke , gracias, merci, spaciba
streamed on
Brilliant!!! Thanx Tom!