2007-08-19 | Mixotic 097 | Length: 69:05 |

| Q-Man - Love Rebel Mixotic founder Q-Man brings a portion of love to you. Is it chemical? Is it real? Will it stay forever or just one night of happiness? The answer can be far away out there or so close... just inside your heart. The cover picture is taken from lens-flare.de. |
More DJ-sets by this artist:
Q-Man: Q-Man (aka Entactogen) was born in 1978 and grew up in the small town of Klingenthal. There was nothing than forest, a bar and a rock music club. Bored of this desert, Q-Man and a couple of friends started to explore the techno scene in the cities. Fascinated of these parties he moved to Berlin and celebrated techno music with his mind, body and soul.
Q-Man bought two turntables and started to spin records. Then his attention zoomed in on the growing netaudio scene. He was impressed by the freshness ... [read on]
2018-01-14 | Frustatiemuziek |

Bij voorbeeld

good job - This set is playing in my car now, volume is very high :-)


What a fantastic set!!! Thanks for sharing :)

Umwerfend, einfach nur klasse Stimmung.

Respect man!!!! Really cool&nice mix......keep on!!!!!

absolut hörbar.

Not bad mix .

Riesenkompliment!! Dieses Set ist einfach nur genial! Die Tracks hauen mich grad sowas von weg, selten so krasse Gänsehaut gehabt! Einfach nur schön!!!!!
2007-09-13 | Smoll dj (Lithuania) |

Nice set Q-man :) I like it !!


@F: Thanx for the compliments. I'm using Traktor DJ Studio 3 and it's definately my favorite for mixing.

Great mix, one of my favorites... Uhm, does anybody know any software for mixing, so i can make my own? Thanks, greetings from amsterdam

cooler mix!
freut uns, dabei zu sein.

Supergenialer Mix!!
Der erste track ist echt wunderschön zum Träumen & auch zum Tanzen.
Respekt & weiter so.
Lg Tom :-)

Ganz tolle sache, schöne zusammenstellung!!

O yes Supeeer BEATS :)

the first track is so nice..
the whole tracklist is well chosen.
good mixing..
great mix