2013-02-24 | Mixotic 257 | Length: 59:37 |

| Shambhu - Mikado We had to wait for 3 years to get another Mixotic release by Shambhu. It was worth it, another deep journey is taking you down there where the dreams are living. |
More DJ-sets by this artist:
Shambhu: Shambhu was born in 1976 in Bremerhaven (Northern Germany). His first contact to electronic music happened during the acid wave in 1989. Between 1989 and 2006 he was listening to different styles of ambient, techno, electro, house, punk, alternative and goa trance. Since 2006 he is spinning smooth techno and progressive psy-trance. In 2009 he started mixing with Traktor and producing with Ableton Live.

can`t find words. Thank you so much!!

Exellent mix.

fantastic, this is why I come here

@Nico: Yes, you just have to mention the artist. All Mixotic sets are released under creative commons license.

Kann ich das ohne Probleme als youtube hintergrundmusik benutzen?
Can i use this in youtube without problems?
2013-03-24 | cesar roldan jc |

Congrats, realy like this music mix, i am a songwriter of rock, hard, and metal fusion, and i think this mix inspire me to write more metal fusion with electronic, definitly i am producing my next cd with something like this, but with heavy riffs and melodic power chords. Cesar roldan jc.

Excellent !!

Sehr schön! Danke!
2013-02-28 | 400 kcal pro 100 g |

Großartiger Mix!
Wie aus einem Guß und fantastische Stimmung.
Freue mich, den heute abend wieder über die ANlage laufen zu lassen.

Very nice mood on this mix

cooles zeug!

I tested the download and it works... does anyone else have problems?

Also der Mix ist echt geil, aber das mit dem download müsst ihr noch mal checken: 202.htm bekomme ich als Datei angeboten. Danke euch im Vorraus!